Procession of contestants through the street going to the competition
Years ago when I was much younger I ventured to New Orleans several times for Mardi Gras until I finally said, "Enough! No more!" Well, as for Songkran in Chiang Mai, I am glad to be here and experience it but I think this one time will last a lifetime.
Songkran officially began today. The first event I witnessed was a procession of the girls vying for Miss Songkran 2010. How can the judges select a winner? Every girl was exquisitely beautiful and graceful. I was inspired to write a haiku.
Like a flower petal
Floating to the earth, she walks
Across the stage.
I have included a few photos which show how beautiful they were but their grace just has to be seen.
The craziness of Songkran is the water shooting, throwing, splashing. It's just nuts! Chiang Mai was built along the banks of a river and that river is still the center of a large city. Well all along the banks of the river Thais and tourists engage in water battles which result in everyone being completely saturated within just a few minutes. It is all so good natured and joking that the aggravation of being wet is offset by the camaraderie. I am by no means the only foreigner here and the kids who are as cute as dolls seem to take special delight in hosing down farang, I emailed a couple of my friends whom I know hate getting wet that this is one part of my trip that I am glad they are not with me.
Songkran officially began today. The first event I witnessed was a procession of the girls vying for Miss Songkran 2010. How can the judges select a winner? Every girl was exquisitely beautiful and graceful. I was inspired to write a haiku.
Like a flower petal
Floating to the earth, she walks
Across the stage.
I have included a few photos which show how beautiful they were but their grace just has to be seen.
The craziness of Songkran is the water shooting, throwing, splashing. It's just nuts! Chiang Mai was built along the banks of a river and that river is still the center of a large city. Well all along the banks of the river Thais and tourists engage in water battles which result in everyone being completely saturated within just a few minutes. It is all so good natured and joking that the aggravation of being wet is offset by the camaraderie. I am by no means the only foreigner here and the kids who are as cute as dolls seem to take special delight in hosing down farang, I emailed a couple of my friends whom I know hate getting wet that this is one part of my trip that I am glad they are not with me.
I have yet to witness a serious side to the festival and I hope that I will be able to experience that as well. Meanwhile it is time to reload my water bazooka and head back to the battle.
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